Everything you Need to know about Extensions!

Have you ever been curious about extensions, but don’t even know where to begin? We see you! There are so many different questions and options around extensions, and we are here to help answer all of your burning questions!

Extensions come in so many different shapes and sizes, we want to help break it down for you! We also want you to know we’re here to help! If you are curious about extensions and want to explore possibilities, you don’t have to know exactly what you want. We recommend coming in for a complimentary consultation to discuss your options with one of our extension specialists. During this consultation you will talk about what your dream hair looks like and how extensions can help you achieve this goal. You will also have an opportunity at the consultation to color match your hair for extensions and decide what works best for you! Our stylists will explain each different type of extension and make a recommendation best suited for your hair type. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering extensions!

  1. Determine your hair goals! Do you want to add volume, length, thickness? What does your dream hair look like?
  2. Do you need to adjust your hair color? Extensions can enhance your natural color or add some dimension to your look! We are able to custom color any extensions ordered through our salon to create the perfect blend!
  3. What does your home care routine look like? We want you to love your extensions inside and outside of the salon! This is totally doable with the right home care routine! One important thing to note about extensions, you must blow dry your extensions to 100% dry every time they get wet. This combined with professional home care products, and properly brushing will make your extensions live a long healthy life!

Ready for the next step? Call the salon at 785-539-7621 to set up a complimentary consultation today!